Little Fish Theatre (Summer Programme)

Between 2012-2019 Claire produced films that documented Little Fish Theatre’s Summer Scheme programme. This programme worked with vulnerable young people about to go to secondary school. Each film documented the journeys and reflections of the young people on the project. Each film also used a fictional narrative frame to explore core themes of the work and the young people’s perceptions.

Each year, every film was unique. This is an example of one that was produced, co written and performed by all the young people involved. To see a full list of Summer Scheme films created click here.

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What our client had to say

"Claire has worked on the Little Fish Year 6 transition summer programme over a number of years. Each unique project requires a huge amount of planning and creative input with regard to new and relevant themes and filming effects. The videos created are excellent in their narrative and in capturing the essence of such a complex project with over a hundred young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. The quality and dynamism displayed in Claire’s videos is exceptional each time, particularly within such tight time constraints. Our young people and family’s have said they will treasure these wonderful videos forever!"

Suha Al-KhayyatArtistic Co-Director, Little Fish Theatre Company